
Life-Changing Testimonials

GoLife Mobile Medical has been a part of many amazing life changing testimonials in Tulsa and Norman, Oklahoma.

These are just a few of the many testimonials we see every week.

Created by life-affirming citizens that want to help those in need with pregnancy needs, Go Life uses mobile medical facilities and on-staff certified medical professionals and offers free ultrasounds, life affirming resources and free pregnancy tests.

Video Testimonials

Go Life- First Point of Contact Testimonials

I was incredibly grateful to be able to call Go Life! Just 4-5 weeks earlier, I had met David and Julie Lewis and heard the vision the Lord had placed on their hearts for Go Life to be a first point of contact for those wrestling between life and abortion of babies in the womb and to stand with girls no matter what they choose.

I couldn’t help but think back to my high school years when my young friend Shelly confided to me over the phone that she was pregnant. She was hysterical and was pretty sure she wanted to abort the baby.

This was probably one year after abortions became legal in the United States. It was also before ultrasounds were readily available and certainly not in the first trimester.

There were no resources available, and I was just a young student. I was Shelly’s first point of contact and I had no idea where to call. It seemed to depend on me to plead for the baby’s life and for Shelly’s well-being.

My words, no matter how heartfelt, weren’t good enough. My friend had the abortion, ending the life of her child. My heart ached as I watched Shelly struggle with the aftermath which haunted her for years.

This time was far different. About the time I was hearing about Go Life for the first time, a young mom I have known for at least seven years was giving birth to her fourth baby.

Liz had almost died giving birth to her last. The doctors warned her she would probably die if she had another baby. 

Liz and her husband were surprised by another pregnancy before she could take measures against it. The doctors begged her to end the pregnancy to save her own life, but Liz would not do that.

Though she had to fight fear and listen to medical personnel repeatedly tell her she would probably die if she proceeded with her pregnancy, Liz gave birth to a healthy baby, and they are both fine. 

When Liz went back to work, her longtime friend and coworker, Maddie, told her she was pregnant and wanted to abort the baby.

Liz stayed up late trying to convince Maddie she would be a great mom—though Maddie was still set on abortion. Liz called me to pray and for advice. We both urged Maddie to at least get an ultrasound. I was so glad I had the number for Go Life. Julie talked to her, set up an ultrasound. Liz accompanied her friend to the ultrasound.

Once Maddie saw her baby moving inside of her body, she realized she was already a mom and is now excited about bringing her baby into the world. What a great first point of contact Go Life is!

Anyone can call to get a free ultrasound, a list of resources and a lot of compassion without judgement. 

Go Life Tulsa Mobile Ultrasound Clinic Locations

Our mobile ultrasound units are out each week in different Tulsa neighborhoods searching and seeking for individuals that we can help.

Please check our calendar for details on free sonograms or contact us.

Our mission is to assist you with life affirming knowledge about your pregnancy and connect you with resources that can help you.


Common Ground Church

7810 E. 49th St.

Tulsa, OK

Time: 5:30 pm-7:30 pm: June 10th



1150 South Garnett

Tulsa, OK

Time: 5:30 pm -7:30 pm


Springdale Baptist Church

Pine & N. Lewis

Tulsa, OK

Time: 5:30pm -7:30pm

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