Your body amazingly transforms during pregnancy. It begins when conception occurs.
Your hormones signal emotional and physical changes from the time life begins.
Here are some tips for dealing with the early symptoms of pregnancy.
Contrary to its name, morning sickness can attack any time of day or night. It’s believed that rising hormone levels make you nauseated. If the vomiting becomes severe, you’ll want to talk to your health care provider, but many times, you can manage morning sickness by:
Progesterone levels soar during the early days of your pregnancy. You may feel as if you need a nap every day. This fatigue will pass as the hormone levels change.
In the meantime, you may need more rest. When you are able, exercise can help you boost your energy. A healthy diet will help too.
Many pregnant women complain of heartburn.
The valve between your esophagus and stomach is relaxed during pregnancy, (thanks hormones), which lets the acid in the stomach leak into the esophagus, which causes heartburn.
Eat smaller meals.
Avoid acidic foods, like citrus.
Don’t eat fried foods or spicy foods.
You may also be sensitive to aromas. Your sense of taste may change.
Don’t panic, it’s hormones
Progesterone not only makes you want to sleep, it also slows the movement of food through your system. Iron supplements can aggravate the problem, essentially causing constipation.
Boost your fiber consumption and make sure to drink lots of water. Exercise will also help alleviate constipation.
Your emotions are going to fluctuate.
Practice self-care to help deal with the added emotional stress of having a baby. Find support from loved ones.
If mood swings become severe, you should talk to your health care provider.
body is changing due to the baby inside you.
The first trimester is an exciting time in the development of the baby. The baby grows from a single cell to an embryo to a bundle of arms, legs and organs.
While you can’t see this baby on an ultrasound until about week 8, there’s still a lot going on:
The first trimester is major to the development of your baby.